Riley Rodemaker

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The Serious Stuff…

Riley received his Bachelor of Arts in Health Promotion from the University of Northern Iowa as well as Master of Arts Degrees in Psychology: Clinical Science and Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Riley enjoys working with late teens through older adults on areas around anxiety, depression, grief/loss, suicide/self-harm, trauma, and life transitions. Riley finds that meeting clients where they are while being empathetic is the foundation of a strong therapeutic relationship. Riley also values a collaborative working relationship with his clients as they are the true experts on their own lives. In session, Riley focuses on collaborative talk therapy and skill development.

Riley sees clients at our Ankeny Clinic.

The Fun Stuff…

Riley is an avid reader and watcher of movies/TV shows. Riley loves spending time with my wife and our 2 cats (Boo, Daisy) and our Corgi (Elsie). Riley is also a comic book nerd and loves superheroes. When Riley is feeling more active, he can also be found running.

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